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04 Jun 2016 - Hessel Roskam verlässt BIG5 Racing Team
Hessel Roskam verlässt BIG5 Racing Team
Leider verlässt uns ein Jahrelanges Big5 Mitglied.

Hessel Roskam und Cor haben uns in den Jahren tatkräftig unterstützt und wir konnten einiges Umsetzten.

Wir wünschen beiden nur das aller Beste und freuen uns auf die Europäischen Rennen, an denen wir uns wieder sehen.

With pain in my heart i would like to inform that i (Hessel Roskam) decided to discontinue the sponsorship with BIG5. The decission was a very very tough one. 😔😔
This was the 4th season with BIG5.

I would like to put up front that this decission is not based on the performance of the car or the people at BIG5. It's partly a commercial decission from me as owner of HR-Creations.

I would like to thank everybody at BIG5 for the wonderfull years. The meetings at the factory were always amazing. Very nice dinners, good tech talks.

Still we remain close friends and have some nice evenings together at the races.

I wish BIG5 all the best for the future.


Hessel Roskam

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