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31 Aug 2015 - Holländische Meisterschaft
Holländische Meisterschaft
Hessel Roskam und Cor fuhren trotz Schaden auf den 3.Platz

esterday was the final round of the dutch championship. Normally we practice on saturday but this time it was my sons birthday on saturday so no practice.
The sunday started wet. The first heat we skipped.
The second heat was still partly wet. The third heat the track was dry and i managed to do 3rd place in the final.
The final i had to break hard after the start trying not to hit number 2. The car behind me could not avoid me so hit me. The rear suspension was bend and the rollbar was tweaked. Also had to visit the pits to repair my bodyshell. After a enjoying catch up final i managed 3rd place.
Very happy with the result.


Hessel Roskam.

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